International projects
Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies (ATUSS) has, for ten years now, taken active part in international projects - first through the Tempus programme and afterwards through the Erasmus+ programme. Owing to its partner institutions in the European Union and their financial aid, ATUSS has had the opportunity to implement new technologies in education, modernize teaching methods and teaching content, as well as to realize a comprehensive exchange of good practices in project consortiums and individual project goals.

Erasmus+ is an EU programme providing financial support for cooperation projects in education, youth and sport. Programme Erasmus+ in the field of education has the following priorities:
- To enhance and uphold development at all levels of education;
- To strengthen ties between formal, non-formal and informal learning;
- To strengthen ties between education and future employment;
- To create additional value for a European realm of education;
- To create bonds between member states in defining education policies.
Erasmus+ supports the process of recognising and evaluating the obtained qualifications in education, open access to educational materials, documents and media content created in the financed projects and beyond, as well as the international dimension of engagement, multilingualism, equality and inclusion in education.
Erasmus+ has succeeded and brought together four programmes Serbia took part in from 2007 to 2013: Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, Lifelong Learning Program and Youth in Action. Institutions eligible to participate in Erasmus+ programmes must be from the so-called programme countries (EU countries, the North Macedonia, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Turkey and Serbia), while certain programme segments are available to the so-called partner countries (countries surrounding the EU, but also other countries in the world).
Since February 2019, the Republic of Serbia has the status of a programme country with regard to Erasmus+ programme.
Erasmus+ programme has three key actions and two separate segments:
- Key Action 1 - Learning mobility of individuals;
- Key Action 2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;
- Key Action 3 - Support for policy reform;
- Jean Monnet activities;
- Sport.
Institutions of higher education in Serbia are eligible to participate in the following actions of Erasmus+ as coordinators and partners:
- KA1 - Mobility of higher education students and staff;
- KA1 - Joint Master’s Degrees;
- KA2 - Capacity development in the field of higher education;
- KA2 - Knowledge alliances;
- KA2 - Sector skills alliances;
- KA2 - Strategic partnerships in higher education;
- KA3 - Support for policy reform;
- Jean Monnet activities
Departments of ATUSS are currently partner institutions in two international projects, through Erasmus+ programmes, while, at the same time, take pride in seven completed projects, four in the Erasmus+ programme and three in Tempus programme.

Improving the capacity of international cooperation and economic cooperation of WB HEIs - INTECO
101177758 — INTECO — ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE

Network of centers for regional short study programs in the countries of the Western Balkans (WBNET)
101128813 — WBNET — ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE

101129321— ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE

Professional Development of Vocation Education Teachers with European Practices

Implementation of Dual Education in Higher Education of Serbia

Introduction of Part-Time and Short Cycle Studies in Serbia


Waste Management Curricula Development in Partnership with Public and Private sector
